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The issue of child upbringing has been a topic of discussion for ages. Most parents expect their wards to live acceptable lifestyles. Society also expect children to respect their parents. The word of God also teaches children to obey their parents.

Ephesians 6:1 says “Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right”. In as much as society and the scriptures demand children to live right, most of the work is on the parents. It is your duty as a parent to bring up your child well. The scripture says in Proverbs 22:6 that, “Train up a child the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it”.

While I was reading the second scripture (Proverbs 22:6),it gave me a great insight. It tells us that when we train our children well, they will grow with it and will not depart from it. Imagine your child growing with your good upbringing. It means that, when he/she grows, he/she will also impart it into his/her kids and the society eventually, will be a peaceful place to live. The big question is “How do we train up our kids as a couple?” It is not about the numerous punishments or the long talks. It is our character that matters. The way we live also influence our children. Most kids learn their questionable lifestyles from their parents and even grow with it.

There are conflicts in every marriage but, it is very wrong to showcase this before your kids. Some women can go to the extent of addressing their husbands with insults in the presence of their kids. Some husbands too do same. If we do this in the presence of the kids, it negatively influences them. Imagine your kids using the same insults you used against their father on you in some time to come, who would you blame?

Most people we see in our societies exhibiting some repulsive life styles mostly, copied it from their parents. Imagine yourself coming home always drunk as a husband. Your kids who have been seeing you drunk, will automatically grow up to be drunkards unless God intervenes. There are some actions which should never be entertained in the presence of the kids or else we will be digging our own graves. Stop fighting in the presence of the kids. The kids grow up to be the duplication of ourselves. They will grow up to be whatever we instill in them with our own actions.

From today, apologize to your partner for every misunderstanding and conflict that went to the extent of happening in the presence of the kids. Hold your hands. Make a vow that, you will never misbehave in the presence of the kids again.

May God help you.

Once again , I am Auntie Odo.

Love Inspector, Love Doctor, Love Teacher.

3Y3 ODO NKOAA!!!!!!

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