Are you finding it difficult to understand why your partner does not talk to you often?
Could it be your attitude? or you have attributed it to evil powers, thinking that they are the ones fighting against your marriage/relationship? Do you assume that your partner is getting attention somewhere else?
Let me draw your attention to something. It maybe that you do not understand communication or you make things unbearable for your partner. One of the powerful tools in marriage/relationship is communication. Communication is very essential. It can be done through phone calls, text messages, mails, social media messages (whatsapp, facebook messenger, instagram, et cetera).
One thing we need to understand is that, in every communication there are two parties involved, that's (a speaker and the listener). The communication will not be well carried out if one of these parties fail to play his/her role well. You should try as much as possible to understand the act of communication. Always endeavour to make your communication with your partner pleasant and interesting.
Most men/women welcome their partners with fights and arguments. Majority of the time, women are more prone to starting fights and arguments in the home more than men. For example, as a woman, if your man/husband does not call you at a time that you expected him to, try as much as possible not to draw conclusions. Do not assume he is doing anything behind you. When you finally get in touch, do your best to relax and listen to him. You might not know what exactly prevented him from calling or texting you before. The same goes to men as well. In communication, do not ever prevent your partner from talking, because if you hear him/her out, you will get to know his/her side of the story, that will help you to find an amicable way to deal with the issue at hand.
Never make the wrong move of refusing to listen. Listen and listen well. Take a good decision and always try to make your home a conducive atmosphere for love to grow within it.
VISIT AUNTIE ODO on all social media platforms for all your marriage/relationship counseling.